Market research / Car Clinics

For automotive company-owned market research departments and for market research institutes working on behalf of such departments requiring vehicles meeting specific criteria in their highly demanding consumer research projects we can provide the following:

As a "somewhat different" car rental service, we can meet your demands and support you by procuring single vehicles or vehicle fleets of types and brands particularly required, custom-fit equipped with all extras and features (appearance, colour, motor type, and so on) you desire.

On demand, we procure all vehicles - from compact cars to luxurious saloon cars. Whether compact car, sports utility vehicle, station wagon, open-topped, sports car, transporter, HGV or truck tractor: we can deliver the hired vehicles required quickly and reliably, Europe-wide, to all destinations of your choice, at fair prices - and of course with the professional discretion mandatory in the competitive environment.

Interested? Please do call us! We look forward to answering your questions - and, if required, to submit an individual offer which serves you best.


TR Autovision GmbH
Schwanheimer Ufer 302
D-60529 Frankfurt am Main

Telefon: +49 (0)69 3535145-0
Telefax: +49 (0)69 3535145-15


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